Information and Communication Technology

Boy, Computer and Mouse

In a rapidly changing education sector, ICT is leading developments within secondary schools. Leeds SCITT ICT provides opportunities for you to develop essential teaching skills and to gain experiences of the latest academic and vocational courses available to schools.

You will train to teach Key Stage 3 (Ages 11-14), making use of the nationally agreed ICT Framework, Units of Work and Sample Teaching Units.

At Key Stage 4 (Ages 15-16) you will work with students studying towards GCSE, Applied GCSE or any one of the many new occupational courses.

Interactive Whiteboard


You will be able to make best use of the many new technologies now being used in schools to improve teaching and learning. All schools have networked computer facilities, fast Internet access and interactive whiteboards.

You will also gain experience and knowledge of the current trends with regards to provision and management of ICT within schools. During the course you will gain insight into "e-learning", Integrated Learning Systems, Virtual Learning (and assessment) Environments and other ICT based educational tools of the near future.