
Science Class of 2005/6

Being in a school environment from the beginning is extremely useful because it gives the opportunity to observe lessons and experience the "feel" of a real school. It also gave an excellent chance to spend time with my fellow scientists and bounce ideas and best practice from each other.

This course has many strengths over other comparable courses available. I have very much appreciated the time in my stage one school and the added experience this has given me. Being a smaller course I have benefited from much more one-to-one tutorial time than would be expected. I have thoroughly enjoyed being part of a smaller closely knit group through discussions, friendship and support within my subject and the SCITT tutorial group. The interactive element of this course has been aided with the Virtual Campus and tutorial time.

The lead science tutor is amazing. She worked so hard to help us and make us feel comfortable and confident in the classroom. She made herself so approachable that it made the stressful times a lot easier!


The training programme is comprehensive and is designed, when it is delivered in an appropriate subject context, to enable trainees to meet all the standards.

OfSTED Report 2004/5

Procedures for the assessment of the trainees against the standards are complex but well documented. The systems allow for trainees not just to gain qualified teacher status (QTS) but to achieve considerably in excess of those standards.

OfSTED Report 2004/5

External Examiner

Standards are high and this is recognised by trainees, schools and external moderators/examiner. The Schools are particularly appreciative of the contribution made by Trinity and it is clear that this SCITT has the potential to be one of the best in the country.

External Examiner's Report 2004/5

Trainees are complimentary about the standard of support and teaching provided by all parties. It is clear that trainees' individual needs continue to be a focus within the programme and these are addressed throughout the duration of the programme.

External Examiner's Report 2005/6