
Library at Guiseley

Leeds SCITT consists of four lead schools in the north of Leeds together with four associate schools in our inner city. The schools offer a variety of contexts in which you will be able develop your teaching skills. With training placements in two or three schools during your training year you will be able to develop these skills and so be ready to begin your career with confidence.

In Leeds SCITT schools you will have the use of specialist teaching areas, several of which have been either recently built or recently refurbished. All schools involved have networked ICT facilities, access to citywide electronic study facilities via the Leeds Learning Network and specialist equipment relevant to designated subject areas.

Most of the Leeds SCITT schools have specialist status and so have additional resources, accommodation and/or links with other school and colleges.

You can find out more about the lead schools by reading their most recent OfSTED (Office for Standards in Education) reports at...


TASC Learning Resource Centre

Leeds SCITT works in partnership with Trinity & All Saints College. As such, you will also have access to the full range of college facilities and resources. These are extensive and include a recently opened, 24-hour access Learning Resource Centre. The November 2002 OfSTED report commented on excellent new College library facilities.

You can read more from this OfSTED report at

You can read more about Trinity & All Saints College at